Our curriculum is organized into thematic modules, each focusing on specific areas of development. Our modules are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the unique needs and interests of our clients.
Module 1
Module 1 – The assessment periods
Module 1 is probably the most important section. It is where we get to understand the members and their respective needs. There are several categories in this section. If the member is not ready for employment it will come to light in the discussions.
Mental Health Situatedness
The member is given a standard mental health assessment to determine where they are in their recovery and what mental health challenges they are currently facing. The importance is to understand their possible distractions and identify any area of needed emphasis.
Documentation required
We try to understand their documentation position. Specifically, do they have the Ids, birth certificate, Social Security card, legal challenges, and any other barriers. Documentation is the most difficult part of getting employment because many clients have no documentation, and that is problematic. We have regular meetings on this each week identifying and overcoming issues. Each week we document what is complete and what is still open, this way we stay on top of requirements. This process is continuous throughout training.
Personal Financial, Social, and Family Situation
We understand how they got here and what personal challenges they might face in relation to employment. You never know why someone needs employment and sometimes their lack of employment is beyond their control. This personal assessment goes into motivation, personal situations, current finances, and future expectations. The idea is to get the information and “council” them for possible good employment fits.
Assessing Learning Style
Most of our learning opportunities are centered around audio/visual tools, but there are other types of learners that require special attention. The styles Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic are all relevant and interconnected. Most people are visual and audio learners but writing something down and reviewing it over and over can aid retention. This process is called blended learning and has proven to be very effective. We do, however, interview each person to determine what works best for them. We then address the situation accordingly.
Skills Assessment
The key to success is not testing, but interest, motivation, and relevance of information to the member. First, our method of assessment is personal interview where we determine what type of learner they are and how the program will work for them. Any extra steps required will be easily accommodated. Finally, we assess and measure performance by personal interviews where their abilities and retention are put into a Likert scale (1-10) where show readiness for the next segment of the program. The idea is to show them and then re-visit until understanding occurs. This is the start of finding what they want for their future. Thay list all their skills and attributes. Since they may change their mind later, the interviewer is just itemizing their current ‘bank’ of known skills.
Module Evaluation and Report
For Module 1 the goal is to understand the members situation, strengths/weaknesses, what challenges they face, and what they want for their future. By the end of module 1, they should have an understanding of the program and what they want to accomplish
Module 7
Module 7 – Dressing for Success
Most people have difficulty in this area. We want our members to be well prepared. How you dress in the workplace is a part of successful employment. That does not mean to dress in a suit for construction work. It means you dress appropriately for the circumstances. It means dressing in a manner that will have you seen in a good light ready to work every day.
Videos for proper dressing attire
The instructor will work with the members and discuss the importance of dressing appropriately.
- Dress for work appropriately – The key to looking like you are competent to do the job
- Dress for success – How to get promoted and be noticed.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 7 is to dress for a productive future. Make sure you dress correctly for the situation.
Module 13
Module 13 – Applying for a position
This module is designed to be hands-on. We help the members with online and printed applications and job boards. Further, we have a small bank of recruiters and employers that can put the members to work. Everything we have accomplished until today is in preparation for this section. We have found that walking the members through the process is most successful. It would be easy to say that we have a cookie cutter solution for this module, but we do not, each member has different goals, expectations, and challenges.
The goal of this module is to have the members understand their direction and steps for their future. Two possible paths are desired. First, the member can apply for positions that are in line with future career path. An entry level position is secured, and further training and education build a stable career. Second, the members take a temporary position and work toward training and education that will get them into their desired career path.
Either path is ok; the important key is to have a clear and concise vision for the future. As in module 4, visualization is a springboard for realizing goals people never thought possible. The hope is members will be excited to move forward with their new life with a clear plan.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor works with the member complete the documentation required for employment. To graduate from this section, documentation must be complete.
Module Evaluation and Report
Instructor works with the member to become employed.
Module 2
Module 2 – Identifying likes and dislikes
Look through this selection below. There are many different jobs and types of jobs. The idea is to understand a little about the industry or job and gain interest. Narrow the selection down to three and we will do further research into the position and formulate a game plan to accomplishing the goal of employment.
Module Evaluation and Report
For Module 2, the goal is to understand the members desire for their future. The form attached will be used to interview the members to go over their selections and plans for the future.
Module 8
Module 8 – Following the Rules
Workplace rules are put into place for health, safety, and profitable operations. Following the rules is a critical aspect of continued employment. The company has rules based on what they see as critical to profitability. Someone not following the rules is considered to be counter to profitability. They may get away with some actions, but eventually, the employee will let go. Further, safety is first and foremost in most companies’ minds.
Videos for proper following rules
Accidents on the job cost millions of dollars each year and companies must have rules to protect their employees. The module will review the following videos:
- Why rules are in the workplace.
- What is the impact of following safety rules.
- What are the costs of non-compliance.
- Recommended rules for health and safety.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 8 is to understand rules are in place to ensure productivity and safety on the job. The rules have developed based on experience and breaking them will cause unemployment.
Module 14
Module 14 – Getting to work
Once again this is mostly Hands on training. The members will be counseled on the different aspects of getting to work and preparing for the day. This includes setting the alarm, dressing, recognizing what is appropriate for the environment, and what food is best suited. Further, we will give tips for daily meditation, self-affirmations, and attitude modification. Below are the main training subjects.
The daily regiment
The instructor will stress the importance of stability and getting to work every day. Below we will display some videos and discussions on the important topics.
- Importance and securing transportation – Transportation is critical. If you cannot get to work, then continued employment is impossible. We will work with the members to have dependable transportation.
- Coaching – Developing a routine.
- Video – Personal grooming and dress expectations
- Video – Self affirmation and daily meditation
- Video – Healthy eating habits.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 14 is to understand how they can be stable, dress correctly, and have basic transportation. This is not a theory class; it is actual real-life must haves. We map out transportation and other realities that the member needs to be successful.
Module 3
Module 3 – Assessing Career Interests
This section is the final stage in selecting a career path. The member meets with a counselor, and based on their profile, skills, attributes, and desired outcome they select a career path. Some people will select an easier path with just vocational training. Others will select more lofty goals. Regardless of the selection everybody needs to start somewhere. The starting target will be determined by the following criteria:
- Members current skills and past work experience
- Members current financial and family situation
- Members abilities and mental condition
- Members disability and subsequent ability to overcome
- Members constraints
- Perceived growth of industry and members ability to thrive
- Most important is the members attitude and motivation level
- Perceived environment and members constraints
Discussion on Selection
The instructor will take all the research and put it into perspective. The idea is to have the member understand where he/she wants to be in the future. The result should be a three-option selection of the career path desired by the client.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 3 is a clear understanding of career selection based on research and interests. This is one-on-one discussion.
Optional Online Assessments
Online assessments are available such as Clifton Strengths, Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, O*net Interest Profiler,, and other on-line applications can be of benefit. If it is determined that the member wants to be tested there are many different free assessments. At Bella we are supportive as long as the member clearly understands that all these assessments are ‘one-size-fits-all’. We prefer individual counseling and mindful consideration of the options.
Module 9
Module 9 – Getting Along with Your Supervisor
We do not know why, but when people are faced with authority, most people suddenly have a problem with them. Supervisors are a mainstay of any company. Getting along with your supervisor is the one main requirements to employment. If you can not get along with your supervisor, you will be out of a job, period.
Videos for proper following of rules
Generally, when you show up and do a good job, your job is somewhat secure, but there will be challenging times. There are many ways an employee can determine the best way to navigate workplace relationships and manage expectations. We will work with the members to understand the concepts and use them in practice. This module will review the following videos:
- How to get along with your boss.
- What to do when you do not like your supervisor.
- What to do when the supervisor does not like you.
- Managing expectations in the workplace.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses new progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for module 9 is to have the member understand that rules are there to be followed. Close communication between the employee and supervisor is one of the keys to staying employed.
Module 15
Module 15 – Receiving and Using Your Paycheck
Most job satisfaction comes from adequate payment for services. If the pay is too low, then people tend to switch companies/job titles. If the pay is too high, believe it or not, production tends to slide. We want our members to be happy and well-adjusted to their new position. Earlier in the previous modules we will be addressing this issue. Hopefully the members have selected a position that is not only consistent with their goals but is also rewarding and challenging.
Paycheck review
The instructor will review the topics listed below. Some of the discussion material will be from the DES website.
- Coaching – Understanding the time sheet and reporting expectations.
- Coaching – Understanding the payroll process and deposits.
- Coaching – Understanding the norms and procedures of the company payroll expectations.
- Coaching – Basic Budgeting – With weekly pay/ With bi-weekly pay.
- Coaching – Opening bank account and how to keep in control.
- Coaching – Understanding and maneuvering online services paycheck/bank.
- Coaching – Correctly reporting income to DES.
- Coaching – Basic financial understanding and money handling.
Module Evaluation and Report
Understanding how to get paid, when to get paid, and the rules associated with it are at the center of this discussion. We will review with the member his/her paycheck starting with the timecard to getting the money in the bank.
Module 4
Module 4 – Enhancing Self-Determination
Motivation and self-actualization are an important step to gaining employment. It is important to understand a person’s base needs must be met for someone to move to the next level. We have prepared the client, and they are qualified to be in this position. We have several videos we show at this point in the program. We show, discuss, and journal each video listed below. We show these videos to a group or individual. Frist, we show the video. After the video we discuss the high points and what it means to the individual. Directly after the discussion the member is asked to journal on how the video related to their life and situation. Below are the videos we use in this module.
Inspiration and motivation
The instructor will select from the following videos to motivate the members to realize that they can reach their individual goals. Topics Covered:
- Self-visualization – The first video is very important. The video is about visualization. Members must see themselves as succeeding and living a different life. With visualization a person can see their success before it happens.
- Self-motivation and attitude – Motivation and attitude is the key to success. If a member believes in themselves, the sky is the limit.
- Interpersonal relationships – It has been our experience that a persons ability to understand interpersonal relationships both at home and at work.
Effective Communication
The message in this section is effective communication. The instructor will select several videos in the template and discuss communication with the members. This topic covers:
- Speaking up for yourself– Once again, it is important to getting and keeping a job. Our video on this subject is very effective.
- Interpersonal relationships– It has been our experience that a persons ability to understand interpersonal relationships both at home and at work.
Healthy and Happy Mind
The instructor will select desired videos to work with the members to start and keep a healthy perspective on their life. After the video(s) they will discuss options with the members. Topic Discussed:
- Self-motivation and attitude – Motivation and attitude is the key to success. If a member believes in themselves, the sky is the limit.
Moving Forward with your life
The instructor will select desired videos to work with the members to move forward with a new life, with a new perspective. After the video(s) they will discuss options with the members. Topic Discussed:
- Self-motivation and attitude – Motivation and attitude is the key to success. If a member believes in themselves, the sky is the limit.
- Moving to the next level in life – Videos that teach people to do what is not normal. Break out of their day-to-day and reach for something you want.
Self-determination for people with disabilities
This is a section that we will use documentation supplied by DDD support group.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 4 is self-awareness and motivation to move forward with a new life. The members should be able to discuss the high points in this module with the instructor to be evaluated and put into a Likert. This section is very important because it required the member to see themselves succeeding in their new life.
Module 10
Module 10 – Getting Along with Your Co-Workers
This is similar to the supervisor module, but not as critical. Still, not getting along with co-workers can end employment quickly. Employees report to the supervisor. The supervisor many times relies on the employees to determine if your performance is effective. If you do not get along with your co-workers, it can cause a miserable day and threaten your position. On the other hand, good relationships can lead to quick promotions and other benefits. The days of just showing up and doing a good job are over.
Managing relationships in the workplace
- The videos are a little longer and more in-depth and the discussions will be more detailed. Further, the members level of understanding must be present.
- What to do when you do not like your co-worker.
- What to do when a co-worker does not like you.
- Managing relationships, the workplace.
- Managing expectations in the workplace.
- Key elements to effective co-workers’ communications
- Managing company political relationships
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
Module 10 review the importance of maintaining relationships in the workplace.
Module 16
Module 16 – Job Exploration and Job Shadowing
Much of this module was covered in earlier modules, but the focus in this section is on job exploration. There are literally hundreds of job search databases. Most of the databases are not useful. We have found CareerBuilder, Monster, and indeed to be the most effective job databases. Each member will be walked through putting their resume up on the web. Further, building a relationship with employers and hiring managers is a critical part of the job search process. The hiring manager is the key to getting a good job. Finding a major employer within the determined career path and starting a relationship is a great way to find a good career.
Job Exploration and Shadowing
Another good method of finding a job is career fairs. The hiring manager is on site and the member can speak directly to them. Additionally, they have selection of many different companies and job titles. Career fairs are sometimes difficult to find and schedule, but they are out there and very effective. Below are the different competencies we will teach below.
- Understand the recruiting process including temporary work.
- Understand direct hire employers.
- Understand the role of the hiring manager.
- Understand how to contact hiring managers.
- Understand and open linked-in accounts.
- Navigate online Job searching and job fairs.
- Understand the hiring process, what makes a yes.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 16 is to understand what options are out there along with how to improve yourself once you have a job. Moving to the next level is what you may want to do once you become established. Regardless of if you want to move within the current company or move outward, there are some points in this module that will help out. Build your career; do not just react to situations.
Module 5
Module 5 – Developing Community Safety Skills
This section has not been one of our focus areas, but we are developing materials for this module. The following segments will prepare our members to be safe working in the community. Just as in the pervious module, information retention is determined by the discussion after the video. If further instruction is needed for an individual, we will accommodate that client.
Developing Community Safety Skills
The instructor will select from the following videos to give the members a background on the different safety aspects of working people.
- General safety and awareness – This video goes over general safety hazards during work and after.
- Video on traveling safety – What to avoid, how to dress, best method, etc.…. We may be able to set up safe transportation for an extended period.
- Identify the people that can help if needed – This is included in the videos, but a handout could be provided by our team followed by a discussion.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses new progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 5 is safety and code of conduct. Much of the material is from the DDD approved teaching tools.
Module 11
Module 11 – Responding To and Resolving Conflict at Work
Once again this is an area for concentration. The Key to managing conflict at within the workplace is to focus on goals not the current situation. When a conflict arises, your focus should be on your long-term goals. The conflict will soon pass, but the ramifications may determine the outcome of employment.
Managing conflicts in the workplace
The goal is to stay employed and be promoted. How a person deals with conflict will make a difference in their career and personal satisfaction. The following videos will be presented and discussed.
- Managing and resolving conflicts with supervisors using examples.
- Managing conflicts with co-workers using examples.
- Managing power positions and influences
- Managing ethical conflicts in the workplace.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 11 is to manage conflicts with an outcome that works best for both parties. Conflicts with other employees and management are detrimental to the working environment, but if done right, they can be a plus.
Module 17
Module 17 – Understanding the Impact of Income on Disability Benefits
This module will focus on the resources provided by DES. The instructor will understand the DC101 website and its resources. The members will be aware of the website and how to use it.
The Resources you have available
The following subjects will be the focus of this final module:
- Understand the DB101 Website.
- Understanding the practical use of the DB101 website.
- Understanding the impact income on disabilities benefits.
- Understand proper reporting requirements and its impact.
- Summarize the entire program, what resources are available, and where to go for help.
Module Evaluation and Report
By now you are well on your way to building a new life for yourself. This is the final module where you learn how to look for resources when you are on your own. This resource will always be available to you, and we wish you great success in the future. Congratulations!!!
Module 6
Module 6 -Developing Positive Work Behaviors
We believe that attitude and focus are the defining factors in any success. A negative attitude can not only bring people down, but it can destroy success. We take pride in providing a culture of good attitude and future success. We place a lot of focus on this module and have the following video/discussions.
Developing a positive attitude makes a difference
The instructor will play the following video select from the following videos to give the members a background on the different attitudes you need to be a success.
- Video on positive affirmations
- Benefits of positive attitude
- Benefits of positive attitude for work, Goals, and future expectations
- Understanding workplace sociology
- Characteristics of a successful employee and life
- following job policies and rules
- Addressing bullying
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
The goal for Module 6 is how attitude can make your whole world change for the better, at work and home.
Module 12
Module 12 – Developing a Resume
By this time the member is through the program and ready for the final step. Regardless of long-term goals like training, etc.., there must be a position needed immediately. Therefore, we plan to build a resume for the members that can land them a good starting job hopefully within their desired goal.
The resume
There will be no videos in this module. The instructor will discuss the high points of a good resume. The final product will be an assisted professional resume that will get results. The topics are below:
- Get highlights to the experience.
- Build Resume based on their inputs.
- Have members understand why this format works for getting a job.
Discussion on Documentation
Instructor discusses progress in attaining the documents required by the member to get to work.
Module Evaluation and Report
Module 12 sets the member apart from the rest of the pack. We build a good resume, and we can teach the member to create a resume that will get attention.
Why Bella Behavioral?
Individualized Care
We understand that each person is unique, with specific needs and strengths. Our services are tailored to address the individual requirements of those we serve, promoting holistic well-being.
Our team comprises experienced healthcare professionals specializing in developmental disabilities. We bring a wealth of knowledge and a person-centered approach to every aspect of our care.
We believe in the power of collaboration. Working closely with families, caregivers, and the community, we create a supportive network that enriches the lives of those with developmental disabilities.
We believe in affordable specialty healthcare for all.
Do not keep silent with your health challenges, we are here to serve you. We are just close to you at any time.
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1350 E McKellips Rd, Ste 5, Mesa AZ 85203